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Deviled Eggs with Fried Capers

Capers... who knew they would be 100x better FRIED!? So deliciously salty and crispy, and helps add a nice crunchy texture to a lot of unexpected dishes (e.g. avocado toast, salmon, bagels and cream cheese). If you've read my past blog posts about deviled eggs, you'll know that I love trying to add really random things to them. In today's *eggsperiment,* we have deviled eggs with fried capers and dill. Bonus: I decided to add a little melted butter to the mayo mixture, and it was a nice touch! Butter really does make everything better!

Deviled Eggs with Fried Capers

Prep Time: 10 min

Cook Time: 15 min

Yields: 4 pieces


  • 2 eggs

  • 2 tbsp mayo

  • 1 tsp unsalted butter (melted)

  • 1 tsp olive oil

  • 1 tbsp capers

  • Dill (for garnish)


  • Place eggs in a small pot of water (making sure eggs are fully submerged). Turn on medium high heat until water begins to boil. Cover pot with a lid and turn off heat. Let sit for about 10-15 minutes.

  • Once eggs have sat for about 10-15 minutes, place them in a bath of cold water/ice.

  • While eggs cool, heat up olive oil in a small pan on medium high heat. Add capers and sauté for about 3-5 minutes (or until capers are crispy). Set aside.

  • Crack eggs to peel, and run under cold water. Cut eggs into halves. Remove yolks from whites and place the yolks in a bowl.

  • In the bowl of yolks, add mayo and unsalted butter. Whisk thoroughly until mixture is smooth.

  • Add yolk mixture into a ziplock bag and cut a small hole on one edge. Pipe into each egg white half by squeezing ziplock bag.

  • Garnish with fried capers and dill. Enjoy!


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